AMS Spends Downtime Renovating Recording Studio, New Videos Coming Soon

Oct 29, 2013

We're long overdue for an update, so let's catch up. Long story short, we haven't done much during the past few weeks because I've been incredibly busy moving into a new house here in Memphis. I'm starting to get settled, but I still have one more important thing to do: set up our new practice/recording space. Tyler is coming over this weekend, and we're going to paint the walls and finish setting up the equipment. You can definitely expect a picture of the new space when we're done. Once the room is ready, it's only a matter of time before new music will be coming your way.

Also, remember that long lost footage from September's show that we promised to upload? Despite moving into the new house and dealing with some technical difficulties during the editing process, the videos are coming soon! Watch for them before the end of the week. We also have a big "Fan of the Month" update (yes, that means free stuff) prepared for November, so keep your eyes open for that!

– Ian

Tags: news update