Hard Way Out Demo and New Band Photos to be Released Soon, New Website Updates
Jul 18, 2011
We've been making some good progress on Hard Way Out over the past week. You can expect to see that released very soon. This is one of the band's favorite songs, and we hope you'll enjoy it as much as we do.
After meeting with our media specialist last week, we decided not to film a video of the recording process. But don't worry, we still did something productive. We decided to do a photo shoot in order to capture some high-quality pictures of the band. Thanks to Cardin's photography skills, we got plenty of great photos and had fun while doing it. For a small sample of the photo shoot, take a look at Ian's pictures in the Facebook album. Pictures of Tyler and the rest of the band will be coming soon! You might see these pictures again sometime in the near future (on merchandise, for example).
Finally, we made two small additions to the website. Here on the news page, we added a link to our RSS feed in the left column. That allows you to receive news updates (via Facebook) using your favorite RSS reader. Also, on the home page in the Fan Tracker section, we added a button for Google+, which allows our fans to take advantage of one of the latest and coolest social networks powered by Google. More updates are on the way!